Sunday, September 15, 2013

so what are you?

here Fred sits in this room full of  strangers

a grimly looking one asks as if!

he is threaten by his presence, are you


without speaking just looking glum

it is understood what the answer  would be


skipping pleasantry's  Freddie starts

is it true that 3 hours a day

is it for electricity?

yes the slim hippie girl answers

battery power is our life

as she turns down the i-touch

ok everyone lets go outside

we can talk

as we walk

in the park

[door opens and closes]

then it starts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

we should go

we must see this man in the person

then you and I can maybe grasp

what is truly needed

conferring on the abstract

without any real substance

is very difficult to any suggestions for

future reference


plan on a trip

for us too see

this man!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

no, please sir

you take the aisle seat

so there you have it friends

row H

best seats in the house

center section left

it pays to be early

the audience recognized

our friend immediately

of course they would

being him so famous for his work

now the lights flicker

the curtain parts

Thanks for sharing this with us!

later after the show

due to our friend

we attended the party behind the


very congenial folks

those artists

nothing but the best of heart

such a good night

for the three of us

Fred, Mack and Henry!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

ok y

so that's how you stop the train

you pay the guy at the gate

double the fare in cash,

he must have a secret button


anyways ned,molly,mack and ataly

didn't have to be in such a rush

yes, sightseeing is difficult

but please slow down

for freds sake!