Friday, June 28, 2013


Fred remembers everything

the little dream rock works

Ferguson's and Fred were on the trail

Fergie was trying to lure new friends

Family she said!

bah humbug leave them be

at the biker temple they scoured off

not us,
we're back in action

oh what a great Joy...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Freddie's walking this time

no more trains

last time yes

this time no

might hitch

probably just walk

use my map

without the dogs

no Ferguson's this time

just Fred and the soles

of his shoes

lead us on

oh great Samsung

Mobile solutions

will make our day..

Monday, June 17, 2013

those little town blue's

once you we're king of the hill

now your just a dump

time has past away

like faded paint

screaming sirens

have replaced

songs of love

grand staterooms

are now

ethnic bistros

the best places now

have no signs

they are easily slurred

by the speech of the witty

to bad you sassy one's

Freddies of the world

wish to be here!

Monday, June 10, 2013

throw the hockey sticks into the wild dog pit

They won't bother the dogs

The dogs can chew on them

Eventually they will become one

We will be relatively safe

They can wait for more

Sounds like a good place for Tony  and his friend

Theres always lots of pigeons

Too keep them happy!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

fred walked

Here's the pigeon

should we run or walk

New town

Same time

Full stomach

Itchy  feet

Must go

Can't sleep

Check out vendors

Look for pigeons

Maybe by the red pagoda

On the hill

Across the schullkill river

Let's go...

Friday, June 7, 2013

so how many hours will you get?

Plenty but I have too bring my lunch

You shouldn't be smoking here on campus

They only use e snuff here

Too bad

How was the concert

Crowded to many skirts

I thought case attracted only dudes

Wrong this is a new age

Anyways I checked out this e resale

Talk about crowded....

Thursday, June 6, 2013

where do you order?

Placing one's wishes

Isn't easy

Knowing what you want is

Spinach pie

Rice Burger

With noodle soup please

Plastic money OK?

Now where do you sit ..

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

raised as ghostbusters

The unpretentious generation!

Raised too be glee

Acting so free

Sagging pants

Straps a showing

No freak flags or halter tops

Just permanent prints

Lots of metal

Habitat is coed

Very apolitical

But wanting too be fit

No problems

Our parents have their back

Nice kids to a t

Nothing like us...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

everyone gets in free

All who attended tonight's show

Will be invited too Jake's gig

It starts in ten

Just down the street

Present your ticket from here

Hope too see you there

Sunday, June 2, 2013

i just want to know your side of the story

You were as a small child the only one too have survived the attack

Everyone else perished

Now here, we confront.

Yes I want to stop you

Yes you are obviously bigger

Stronger, much more perfect than me

But why now?

Would you want to be responsible

For doing it over

History doesn't need too be repeated

Just remembered!


My name is Fred

You must be dead ..

so confusing

These new malls

Turn here

Park where?

Can't find what's their name

Look bill me for your hours

You keep track

I'll tell you want to do

We're flying by our pants now

But soon it'll work

Then we can split the take

Someday hopefully soon

We can have what's his name

On stage

Performing and us smiling...

PS. Look at those little people

Bathing in rain water puddles

Saturday, June 1, 2013

being aware

Staying in tune

With #s and dates

That's what one has too be

Just in tune

With purpose of conviction

Action is required

Time lost will not be regained

But dates and #s will never change

Set in motion by the


Just in tune...