Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ok that was that

this is this

pizza cash gone

new budget thanks to sons

more credit available

payoff quicker

craigslist shows this place for sale....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

exactly what is big feets man

hunting back in the i i

i discovered big feet prints

take off safety
no shoot
and blog

nice picture


Sunday, November 27, 2011

kindle this

up too 1005 views

checkout the bottom counter

awesome by the fans of


going for a million

Saturday, November 26, 2011

back in the house

its getting dark

things now feel more settled

however long days ahead

like tomorrow

830 game

plus a depot day

on Monday

Friday, November 25, 2011

even tucked in the socks

still found more

this global warming is getting itchy

anyways finally done

here comes


Thursday, November 24, 2011

four oclock

everyone knows

dont ask mother mary

she said 4 not one

well everthing turnout anyways

happy thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

mars girls

these girls have been with their coach

since they were 8  or 9 with his club team

lucky girls too have such a coach and willing parents

its not easy to win


Monday, November 21, 2011

oh what a fire

i thought it would be big

but not that big

everything piled on put us at eye level

it was a little rainy

so we were ready

y soaked the contents good with lighter fluid

so it was lite before dinner

and boy did it roar

at least twenty feet high at the apex

oh what a fire

Saturday, November 19, 2011

what's that guy looking for

the worker asked

somebody is walking around in the 3am woods with a flashlight

well depot replies

there was a raucous outside in the parking lot

two brothers pounding each other

i guess they were partners

well it ended with the younger one throwing the truck keys

into the woods

Friday, November 18, 2011

witch part?

shes so scarey

must be the sun.

the glasses are so chic.

who is she?



Thursday, November 17, 2011

thats junk

if  replacement is less than new

what should you do




go america


or less

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

such a loud sound system

last nights concert in homestead with jessica and the drive bye truckers

was way too loud

the vocals were drowned out by the guitars

both acts were mixed terrible

on the way home listening to they're CD

you wondered

was that the same group

that our butts got flatten for

hard wooden seats and loud

dont mix

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


electronics are speeding everything up

global warming is slow

robotics is now

google can  drive a 18 wheeler on Interstates  now

where does that leave the Mexicans

Sunday, November 13, 2011

your making me sick

too fast

behind the steel curtain

michael bean laid out ground rules again today

one of them was everyone should feel welcomed and comfortable

well fred never was either

i told them never again 

only comments

Thursday, November 10, 2011


trying to keep up
and staying awake

many new things to try
a very real challenge

sleep sounds so comfortable
it must be the dreaming part


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

what a election

we hear it all the time this country is so great

that democracy is the only way to go

well too Fred it looks like a failure

yesterdays turnout was atypical

under 20% registered voter turnout

like alone only half the eligible register

then on top of it

half the ballot spots were either empty or just one party running

well i voted

did you participate

it should be mandatory

or we need something else

Monday, November 7, 2011

lost on monday

its almost dark

finally forgetting what happened

i know its was only $20

Friday, November 4, 2011

possible good presidential candate

Gary Johnson

republican ex governor of new mexico

look into him

he has a great idea

shared responsiblty

how to have a true working business model

a good one too follow would be the steelers

multitude of the players must know numerous positions,

due to the frequency of injuries

in a economic enterprise everyone should be able to step into the mundane of the plan

no matter the complexity,

at the minimum some experience will be contributed

all then would be valuable

everyone would then share revenue duly

Thursday, November 3, 2011

out of the upstairs window

a smoldering matteress landed in the frozen street
the ice must have been inches thick

i slid to a stop
looked up saw two guys signaling if i was OK

ya i waved as i got out of my van
then i pulled the smokey thing too the side

out in the distance i heard sirens coming
so i figured to best get out of way quickly

that's when
the driver door rope handle broke

and i fell on my

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

freddie can't do it

    Real things only a DJ can do.

   The fleety and deep ideas of excess and lack are no outlets.

   One has too personally take responsiblity for action.

   You are SANTA  CLAUS!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

sunny day

lots of good news

one son has a great job offer

the others love found an apartment close enough to her new job that she can walk

and little daughter dragon might take over another school

mother Mary successfully endured surgery

and dads driving license is expired

plus Fred stepped in poop